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lightmaster240z last won the day on March 19

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About lightmaster240z

  • Birthday 07/11/1963

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    I spend to much money on my 240z with ......

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  1. That the right way to the Bat cave? not Via the Monash Car park.
  2. The price of shipping has gone from about $3500.00 for a 20ft container to $12000.00 from China. the pain is real and the delay are now out of control. Good luck with the import boys regards Light master
  3. wait a minute I resemble that comment !!!!!
  4. yep I be there with my little blue zed
  5. Just cancel family plans. Now coming to the BBQ instead. better company any way
  6. If it falls through I am keen on the latter console I always seem to be the bridesmaid
  7. Nice wore there cant wait to see the next stage
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