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Everything posted by MikeZ

  1. Just before we moved, photo by the real estate agents. 6x7m but never enough room!
  2. I was too scared to reverse park that close to KatoKid! I didn't spot the 4th Z actually?
  3. I reckon I'd be up for that, might have a buddy along with me too.
  4. Thanks again guys, I'm really happy with how these came up. The finish seems nice and durable too. And on the doors
  5. Ok, so I spent a considerable amount of time cleaning them up with plastic and metal scotch brite pads, detergent and plenty of wax and grease remover. VHT was applied as two light coats and a third medium coat, 10 minutes apart as per the instructions on the can. Coverage even after the first coat was excellent, full cure is after 7 days. I'll check back in then with some pictures. Cheers guys!
  6. Link to eBay listing for outer belts: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192340170706
  7. I got a set from Rare Spares and although they're a little bit wider than the original ones they're settling in well. I used a couple of different sized flat screwdrivers to slowly open up each staple and the old strip as a template. You can reuse the original staples if they're still in decent condition too. It's a fiddly process but you'll get there, takes about an hour per side.
  8. Cheers guys, I grabbed a bit of VHT vinyl dye and some wax and grease remover. Autobarn didn't have any other options, I'll report back in a week or so. Fingers crossed it's a tough product.
  9. Started putting some of my interior back in, haven't had much time to work on the car lately as we've moved into a new place and been busy with boring furniture and painting tasks! I had these pillars wrapped in black leather last year. Decided to use black flanged button head socket drive 5mm bolts throughout the interior, rather than plastic clips. Black rubber washers will be used on the plastic trims for a bit of protection against cracking/rattling.
  10. Welcome Joel, good luck with the reassembly! I'm at the tail end of a complete interior overhaul too.
  11. Hey guys, Has anyone has success dying their armrests with a particular product? I've gone from cream vinyl door panels to black leather and want something that will be as tough as possible. If I'm not happy with the result I plan to retrim the armrests in leather, my trimmer has some leather left over and has said he can do it. I'm just a little worried about clearance for the chrome trim at the top of the hand grab part. Cheers!
  12. I bought some carpets off Stuart for my 260z 2 seater and they came on time with a phone call to double check the exact model within an hour of purchasing on eBay. Love the finish, can't fault them apart from that the drivers floor mat required a little trim around the steering column. Not a big deal, that's all I'd suggest could be improved. Cheers!
  13. I lost it when the boys opened that roller door!
  14. Ok so I've had some success with the 12mm foam today and some 1/2" dynaliner which is a firm closed cell adhesive foam to build up the bolster. Here's some comparison shots with only one done. Just a couple of tiny creases I'm the headrest now that I'll try to sort out on the second one. I've taken step by step pictures and could do a build thread if anyone thinks it might be worthwhile? Cheers, Mike
  15. That's what I was thinking but this is uncharted territory for me. I've got some 12mm soft open cell foam, I'll try a bit on the bolsters tomorrow. My seat cushion looked in similar shape and I saw some clues that indicate the drivers one has already been replaced once. I'm pretty happy with these to be honest, it's mostly the seat backs that bother me a bit.
  16. Thanks Gilltech, I think I'll have a shot with some thin foam first. In your opinion where would you want to be adding foam to increase the tension in the centre sections? If the results aren't to my liking I'll order some foams eventually I think.
  17. So I was about to let this slide but I might have a go at improving it. I haven't reassembled the seats yet, brackets are still drying. Worth noting too, my seat back uprights consists of jute and a bit of foam around the bolsters which I'm guessing was always standard with only aftermarket providing full foams? I've started asking around about upright foams only but hope to avoid buying any.
  18. Hey all, digging up an old thead to avoid starting yet another seat thread. Has anyone had to add additional foam to the top of the bolsters as they taper out into the headrest to even out creases/excess leather? I did mine today and reused the original foams as they were in pretty good condition. I realise there are a few companies making these but hoping someone has solved a similar issue. These were from Interior Innovations in the states. I'll post a picture...
  19. The spare parts team at Ringwood have been awesome the couple of times I've used them Ned.
  20. The Rocket Bunny kits.. I have to admit I don't mind them in a few colours I've seen.
  21. Jeff, that really makes me want to ditch all my Bunnings shelves and build cupboards!
  22. Really great day, thanks for hosting Gordo! Can't wait for the next one.
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