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smugley last won the day on August 30 2021

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About smugley

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    71 240z tarmc rally car

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  1. Bit on the heavy side to boot ! https://jalopnik.com/2023-nissan-z-is-almost-200-pounds-heavier-than-the-370-1848849717/amp
  2. That's the one that Lindsay (Z factory) was trying to sell for $125k on Scumtree Big difference between asking price and sale price !
  3. Original listed for $99k and been dropping in price every couple of weeks . Supply and demand ??
  4. If you're got a few year's and well over $100k to spend go full restoration ! Otherwise just get it on the road and drive it .
  5. Ahh to live in a dream world WTB 240Z. Under 2k, https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/oatlands/cars-vans-utes/wtb-240z-under-2k/1271902538?utm_source=copylink&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=android_VIP_sticky Price: $2,000 Negotiable
  6. Looks like Lyndsay has got the Tennis ball out again !
  7. Idiot's borrowing money to buy things they can't afford to impress people they don't like !
  8. https://www.dmarge.com/2021/04/australia-bogan-bubble-burst-holden-ford-v8-speculation-used-car-market.html Buckle up !
  9. Sure do Send me a PM with your number and we can sort it . Cheers Doug
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