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Period Correct Watanabe Centre Caps and Accessories


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Hi guys, just wondering what centre caps were originally used on Watanabe wheels. I've managed to get a set of old 15" Wats and I'm wanting to complete the look with genuine centre caps. I know these can be purchased new but I don't particularly want plastic centre caps if they had metal ones back in the day. Also I'm planning to paint my wheels the matte black colour and I was wondering if there are were any matte black centre caps to go with them. ( I could just paint some though)

These are the type of centre caps that I believe are period correct (but they're upwards of 500$! and not black)







Also does anyone know what valve stems were originally supplied from RS Watanabe? I was just planning on buying the new genuine ones for about $50



I have been trying to source some of these black period electron lock nuts too but haven't been able to.



I did just purchase a set of 3 old silver ones which are missing the key and one locknut for 15$ shipped. 




I know I'm being a bit over the top with all this but I just want the wheels to be as genuine and period correct as possible!

If any of you guys know anything about these accessories let me know!



Oh the purity!

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