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240Z Inner Tie Rod / Rack end - Sourcing?


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Hi all,


I'm trying to source an inner tie rod / rack end for my 240z. I've had confirmation that Nissan Japan no longer stock these parts, so I'm interested to see if anyone on the forum has attempted to source one from an aftermarket source. Alternatively, is there anything from another Nissan/Datsun (or other OEM) that serves as a suitable replacement?




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Got mine from Autopro for about $45 each six months ago.

Are you sure that is the inner ie the bit that attaches to the Rack under the boot.


Last I heard you can only get one side and it must come with a outer tie rod also (this is from Nissan) and it was up there in the $$ for sure. If you do find out you can get them find out if it is the LHD thread or the RHD thread side. As I want to remove the LHD thread side on my rack and run 2 x RHD thread so I can use the 79 non power 280zx outer tie rod as these are 10mm longer than the 240z/260z outer tie rod and will allow my to have more thread in the inner rack end as with the camber I am running they are only just in there :( so the extra 10mm would be good but the 280zx units are RHD thread only = I must replace one side of the inner rack end.


I have tried all aftermarket suppliers and no-one makes them any more from my searching. I was even thinking of taking my rack to an engineer and have the ends drilled and tapped so I could use a more common/modern rack end - might have still have to do that if I can't find another RHD thread inner rack end.

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NZeder, Done inner and outer's didn't have a problem getting them.


After 15 years working in the spare parts trade you can find anything.


RDO tomorrow I'm heading up to the bike shop so I'll duck into my old work


And grab some part No's....Will update tomorrow.



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  • 3 months later...

I managed to source some form the US. I found a partnumber on the internet from a place called Rare Parts 26575. I then did a google on that combo and found a cheaper supplier than the rare parts site (approx $85-90 USD from the dearer suppliers). When the parts got here in NZ they were the correct ones and had the EV164 partnumber - if you go to hybridz and good that number it was the Moog number for the replacement rack end for the 240z/260z/280z. These are only RHT and you will not get a LHT from the after market suppliers.


Now with my searching and research I did also find out that the early manual racks from the 280zx ie pre 81 also have the same method of attachment for the rack ends. That is a female M25x1.25 (big and fine). Now I did not check with Nissan locally to see if these rack ends are still available but checking some of the Nissan parts suppliers (ie nissanparts.cc courtesyparts.com) the factory part numbers price up = could still be available (does not mean it is just that it is in the system and prices up)


The trick with the early 280zx rack end is like the aftermarket suppliers only RHT is available = you need to install two of the RHT tie rod ends. Not a big deal really.


The factory/OEM partnumbers for the early 280zx racks are

48511-P6525 and there is one sup number for this 48511-E8726


I also picked up a spare 260z rack the other week. So if you need a LHT version I will be stripping this rack soon. My plan to get this to an engineer to look at the rack and see if this can machined to take a more common rack end ie the later 280zx rack end (still available from a number of aftermarket suppliers and a more common M16x1.0 male fitments)


Now having said all that - I believe the stock 240z/260z/early 280zx rack ends are rebuildable. They should have spring and cup that keeps the shaft at the correct pressure much like the Ford Escorts. What happens over the years is that the cup and spring wear = the rack ends becomes loose etc. The escrot boys replace the plastic/nylon cup with a brass bush for more positive feedback etc. As I have not started to strip the 260z rack I can't comment but if your cup is just a little worn it should be just a matter of replacing this cup or even just adjusting the pressure on the rack end. The factory service manual covers how and what the correct settings are.


So go forth and see if you can source a 280zx early rack end.


FYI other aftermarket partnumber I found that are NLA are CRN-2, EV164 (even though I did get some of these Moog no longer have a listing for them). Now I did also find RE754 as listed by one supplier as pre 81 manual rack end but then this same supplier has this listed for the later 280zx and 300zx which use the same rack end which is the male M16x1.0 at the rack and M14x1.5 for the tie rod they are 151mm long these are listed as a RE859 by another supplier (now the funny part is the company with the RE754 listing also make a RE859. All other rack ends from these 2 supplier match up ie so I am thinking that maybe the RE754 is just listed incorrect on the later 280zx and 300zx in the PDF I found on the interweb) Now to also add to the confusion I also found another PDF from one of the same suppliers and that lists a 240z/260z with a RE7082 and RE7083 as the rack ends (but it also states one is for a manual rack and the other for a power rack - but the 240z/260z never had a power rack....see how this all gets confusing quickly - I am thinking one is for hte RHT and the other was for the LHT) now checking what this same supplier lists today they have a RE7052B however it like the RE754 does not state what vehicle/make/model they are for nor does it state the specs of the rack ends. So this leaves it up to us at a guess to order some and hope for the best :(


So there is all the info I have found on the rackend for 240z/260z. I hope this of some use - I know it cost me many of hours searching to get all this info = unhappy wife as I spend hours looking through the internet and PDF's that I download etc.

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Ok popped into the local Nissan agent/dealer this morning to get a price on the 48511-P6525 rack end - it still prices up fine so the parts guys is 90% sure they can get them however at the price they wanted I will be doing the little play with the spare rack to see if I can use/mod to take a more common male style (known as Type 7 as the rack ends with the female connection on the rack end are Type 6's, don't for get to add that kiwi accent on that 6 too.)

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Woah, you have been busy!

Thankyou very much for sharing the info!


Sorry I got a bit confused with all the part numbers and interchangeabilities, so just to confirm: I can use a pair of early 280zx rack ends on my 260z rack (will fit straight to rack) and then get a pair of 260z RHT tie rod ends and all will be good in the world?

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Woah, you have been busy!

Thankyou very much for sharing the info!


Sorry I got a bit confused with all the part numbers and interchangeabilities, so just to confirm: I can use a pair of early 280zx rack ends on my 260z rack (will fit straight to rack) and then get a pair of 260z RHT tie rod ends and all will be good in the world?

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  • 2 years later...

Ho folks, just bringing an old thread back to life...

I've been hunting around the parts shops for replacement rack ends, and it seems these aren't available anywhere. (neither 240Z or early 280ZX).

I'm afraid to drive my car again until they're fixed.

Does anyone know of a current supplier? Or have something under the bench (handsome reward on offer...)

I found these on ebay, but not sure if they're correct: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replacement-Tie-Rod-End-/290788197934?fits=Make:Nissan|Model:240Z&hash=item43b453c62e&item=290788197934&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr



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  • 11 months later...

Hi all,


Sorry for the old thread resurrection. I can confirm that the Inner tie rod / rack end is still available, right hand only. I purchased two months ago from the US, as per the info NZeder supplied a couple of years ago, company is Rare Parts. www.rareparts.com. Part number is RP26575. Price was US$78.72 each.



I rang and purchased over the phone. Sent by Fedex and arrived in 4 days. They were really very helpful and easy to deal with.


They do look different from OEM, and from the picture on their website, but they are the correct thread and length. I have just had mine fitted this week with new outer rod ends as well.





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from memory, i thought the old Gemini rack ends inc tie rods were? compat????

i have both cars, I did change them ages ago, and forgot to check out myself.

i bought from repco for 11.00$ each inc, but ill have to get one off to check and confirm.

as its only from an old contact of mine whom mentioned this.


So DO NOT TAKE this for gratis!!!


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  • 3 months later...

As I want to remove the LHD thread side on my rack and run 2 x RHD thread so I can use the 79 non power 280zx outer tie rod as these are 10mm longer than the 240z/260z outer tie rod and will allow my to have more thread in the inner rack end


This is an old quote but I haven't been able to confirm it anywhere else.  I found a supplier of the RH thread 240z inners and also the 79 280zx outer tie rod end but unless someone can confirm that the 280 units are in fact 10mm longer I don't want to place the order.

Can anyone perhaps measure a 280zx outer tie rod end to confirm the overall length?



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  • 2 months later...

For anyone interested Bursons stock 240/260Z tie rod ends for $55/pr.


Part numbers are TE860L & TE860R.


Now trying to find the part number for inner rack ends. It looks like the part number is RE7083. RE7082 is also listed as a potential part number but is 17mm shorter and has imperial thread measurements.


I also found a listing for 280ZX manual rack ends with part number TE3644R and 22mm longer than 240/260Z.

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  • 7 years later...
On 2/2/2010 at 12:02 PM, NZeder said:

Now with my searching and research I did also find out that the early manual racks from the 280zx ie pre 81 also have the same method of attachment for the rack ends. That is a female M25x1.25 (big and fine). Now I did not check with Nissan locally to see if these rack ends are still available but checking some of the Nissan parts suppliers (ie nissanparts.cc courtesyparts.com) the factory part numbers price up = could still be available (does not mean it is just that it is in the system and prices up)

For the record I measured a 260Z rack and the inner thread onto the rack is M25x1.0 not 1.25.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey everyone,


I’d got my hands on these inner tie rods which came from Z Car Depot a while ago. Anyone had any experience with them. The quality looks reasonable but Chinese made.


Otherwise I can go through Ultimate Power steering… Cheers


Edited by Roady
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