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1969 240Z HS30-00048 destroyed. Seeking advice.


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On 10/24/2024 at 7:43 PM, MrKaos said:

Any advice would be appreciated.

Whilst not as low a VIN number, the car in this advert looks to be in a similar state and sets a price point that any assessor/court etc. would refer to :


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On 10/29/2024 at 8:10 PM, C.A.R. said:

You'll spend years in litigation, the lawyer(s) - if you can find one to take on the case - will suck up any and all funds you have now and after the case is settled,
and untimely the #48 is still gone.
Nothing good will come of it.

My advice: Finish you other Z, never speak to your brother again and MOVE ON.


I'd heed Lurch's advice. Its gone, move on with your life. I very much doubt you'll ever get any compensation, no matter how much time and money you expend trying. If you do find a lawyer and get to court, by the sound of it your brother / his lawyers will just play the mental illness / not responsible for their actions card.

And a general comment for all - take out laid up cover. My 1600 was on laid up cover at a cost of around $125 a year or thereabouts. They paid out $25K earlier this year, I got to keep the dead remains (they even arranged to have it transported from Albury to my home in Newcastle). 

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I suspect that pursuing your brother through the courts would end up costing you more than 240Z #48 was worth at the time he destroyed it. After all, to put it bluntly it wasn't as if #48 was even an assembled car, but rather a very battered looking shell and a big pile of unrestored parts. To a Z enthusiast they might have looked like gold but to the rest of the population probably just a pile of scrap metal.

Not to mention all the effort and time you'd need to put into the process with no guarantee you'd be ultimately successful. And then there would be the problem of actually extracting $$$ compensation out of your brother if you were. So I agree with C.A.R. and 1600 Dave.

Having had to deal with a toxic family member myself, my advice is to maintain the moral high ground and have nothing more to do with him - your brother will be the biggest loser in the long run as he's lost you. Best you put the loss of #48 down to one of life's drawbacks and move on, enjoying your other and complete usable 240Z.

My 2c worth.

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