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regular hoon drivers


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I like that , its a nice way of saying that your not the sharpest tool in the shed, i feel for our police department having to arrive at these scenes of carnage knowing that these situations can be avoided, i can tell from experience this is not nice position to be in and its becoming more frequent

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Its a slippery slope. What you and I call hooning may be interpretted differently by a police officer or court. There is no clear definition of hooning. They did that on purpose so they an pull it out when ever they feel like it. I have nightmares about being pulled over for accelerating from a light and having my zed crushed :o

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whats the difference between a "hoon" with an underpowered car screaming around the streets on a regular basis, or a truck driver on a busy schedule with a delivery to be made, regularly going over the speed limit to meet dead lines?? A mother always sleeping in and always running late to get the kids to school.. a courier with x amounts of jobs to be delivered..


All breaking the rules.. regularly.. why is it, that young drivers, mostly in particular males, are classified as hoons? When a study has been conducted and proven that women are more dangerous on the road, not from hooning activities, though from driving too safely and not with the general traffic.


i think its a load or truck manure.. whats stopping that "hoon", or truck driver, or school mum from buying another car.. commiting the crime.. and then buying another car.. commiting the crime again...you get the idea.


They may loose there license.. though theres a chance it may not stop them from driving.


Basically i say NO to car crushing.. It isn't going to fix the problem.

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i think a mum running late to picking up the kids, or a truck driver runing late on a shift doing 10 k over the speed limit is a far cry from hoon driving


I say hoon driving is the idiot street racers doing ridiculous speeds eg. 100kph+  in built up areas. and burn outs which in my opinion look ugly on public roads These are the people who should have there cars crushed And they should be made to watch

I know if i had it in the back of my mind that i may loose my car it would definery slow me down


It is the young guys who get classified as hoons because most of the time it is. Ok im 38 years old and have been doing a adult apprenticeship. I am by far the oldest in my group. all others 21 and under.

I could not believe every day the amount of people pulling massive burnouts when leaving the road the tafe is on.

There  was so many near misses. One in particular the lad lost control of his car ending up facing on coming trafic.

That is the sort of behavior that warrants car crushing 



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We originally got the idea for crushing hoons' cars from the USA and stats report that its is doing nothing to change peoples behaviour. The "crushing" clause is only supposed to be for repeat offenders so it's not likely you will lose your car for "accelerating enthusiastically" from the traffic lights.


You don't necessarily have to have a nice car to drive like a knob so imho, car crushing is not a deterrent. Increase the fines and extend the suspensions/licence cancellations. Monetary penalties and long suspensions where people realize that you can lose your job and livelihood without a licence should hit home.


I think it should be made more difficult to get your licence, not easier and better training. Too many people regard a drivers licence as their god-given right, not a privilege.


Posted by: mtopxsecret6


whats the difference between a "hoon" with an underpowered car screaming around the streets on a regular basis, or a truck driver on a busy schedule with a delivery to be made, regularly going over the speed limit to meet dead lines?? A mother always sleeping in and always running late to get the kids to school.. a courier with x amounts of jobs to be delivered..



Agree-all can be just as dangerous, especially the truck.


When a study has been conducted and proven that women are more dangerous on the road, not from hooning activities, though from driving too safely and not with the general traffic.


Show me the study.


We all have a bit of hoon in us, young or old. Remember this guy? He was 38 when he did this:




And young:




I am a driving instructor for cars, soon to be a truck instructor and I can tell you that most of the drivers that tailgate, yell abuse, blow their horn at learners and overtake dangerously are the older ones, who really should know better. So please, seriously take it easy on the learners.





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i personally agree - theres a difference from hooning around to 10 km's over the limit... it's not that I go around adding 10 km/h onto ever zone i see...


bloke lives down the road from me with a beast of a ute - my grandmother lives in the next street to me and is getting very old and she is very slow when she comes walking to my place - there are no footpaths along my street, so she has to walk on the road and its all uphill... she has to pass this guys house


he has 5 cars... yet every day when he finishes work he comes tearing around the corner leaving marks all over the road, etc etc, to tune everything he can to make his car that much louder, that much faster.. i'd love to crush his car - i love my grandma and she may not be alive for many more years to come, but i dont wanna have to rip this guys eyes out so he cant drive because he was too stupid to slow down and stop hooning around..

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Well they can label it what they want, but a lawyer calling a person a hoon won't mean a thing in court, it is a label given to fuck wits constantly breaking the law and ruining it for everyone. 


The problem is, its a double edged sword.  I am a licensed firearm owner and this is how it all begins, first they chip away at this law till you lose a right, then they chip away at another, till people like us who do the right thing, get screwed over by greedy money/power/vote hungry antis. In other words, this is how it begins for the anti fast car people to begin chipping away at laws protecting the innocent peoples like you and me... 


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Hooning does not have a definative description, its up to the descretion of the police officer who is fining you. So 10k's over.. or 100k's over, if the officer says hooning, your being fined as a hoon. Its the courts that decide if crushing occurs or not. You can be fined for hooning under any manner the police so chooses.. ie.. loud exhaust, too low car.. defective car.. excess speeding etc.. The officer says your performing hooing activites.. first is 24hr suspension of car.. 2nd offence is 3 months suspension.. and then 3rd offence is court hearing for you to say why it shouldnt be crushed.. and the courts decide the fate of your car.


So, if Mr truck driver is a known speeder.. and after countless times of being caught/warned.. Mr popo just needs to fine him for hooning behaviour.. the cycle begins.. same as mother taking kids to school.. etc etc


It's a very viscious new ruling.. with a very easy police empowerment..


Anyone who drives a motor vehicle or motor bike on public roads, are all at risk. If your a bmw test driver, or a regular lout ripping fish tales up your street with a vb in one hand.. we all can be caught as easy as two words.. hooning offence.

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Police also often use it against you if they know you are speeding.  If they didn't catch your speed but know you were I have known them to tell people they will get you with anti-hooning laws, or to just admit to what speed you were doing.  In all cases I heard about this occurred on the Gold Coast.  They are entitled to use the laws at their own discretion, but I believe most police, if not all, are very fair.


I have a poor driving record having been working in the transport industry for 10+ years.  I would not like to be judged on my driving record, because I believe that I know how to act responsible.  Sometimes work pressures can be immense.  Then outside of work its a different story.  My everyday gripe are the drivers that simply shouldn't be on the road, drivers that are just disrespectful to truck drivers and others that make their living by driving.  Maybe people don't understand that the road is actually an office for some.  But my great dislike are drivers that while they have passengers are putting them in danger by driving like idiots.  There are places to go hoon legally.  Maybe better efforts should be put into getting hoons off the street and into driver training and track days.  They will fast learn they are not as good a driver as they first thought.


From my understanding not all cars taken with these laws are destroyed.  Many of them are impounded and sold at auctions.


And a small story from yesterday.  I'm in the left lane of a large roundabout, with a corner sweeping to the right for both lanes to exit at.  A BMW driver is straight ahead of me waiting to merge into my lane just before I hit the bend and I can see he is watching and waiting.  He hesitates, and then goes when I am almost on top of him, and then hesitates again!  At this point I am fuming and didn't really behave as I should have after this point.  So maybe I could be done for hooning here?  And what would be done to this BMW driver?  Absolutely nothing.  I agree with the hooning laws, but a lot of the focus by police is not where it should be.

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Don't know about Qld but in Vic the definition of a 'Hoon' for the vehicle impound provisions is clearly defined.


Drive at 45 k's or more over the speed limit - I think all would be happy with that.


INTENTIONAL loss of traction - the key is intentional!  Not a chirp taking off from the lights.  To prove intent it is necessary to be able to give evidence of time of wheel spin, this is often supported with evidence of number of fishtails and increased or maintained high engine RPM.

NB: this also covers motorcycle monos - the front wheel no longer has traction. This can also cover the handbrake turns and the like - again must show INTENTION.


A person found driving whilst their licence is suspended or disqualified, if they have been found guilty of either offence since July, 2006.


They are now looking at adding drink driving offences to the list.


In Vic the car is impounded for 48 hrs, then at court if the second impound application for 3 months or if the 3rd or later impound application is made for forfeiture.  The cars that are forfeited are ALL destroyed.  None are ever sold.


I have heard the argument that places should be provided for burnout nuts to be able to do it somewhere lawfully.  This argument sharts me.  Firstly there have been places that have done it.  There was one in Campbellfield, but the hoons had to pay $25 bucks to drive in there, so they did it outside.  then they bitched that the coppers picked them up when they left for unroadworthy - too bad, drive a roadworthy car!  In the end the business was losing to much money, so stopped doing it.


Then there are car clubs and racetracks all over the country, but they couldn't join one of those, could they??


I don't believe for a minute, that the Govt's should have to put any money into providing somewhere for these hoons to spin their wheels.  The money would be better spent in other areas.


Sorry to get on the soapbox, but seen to many kids kill or injure themselves or someone else, to have any sympathy for there desires to do burnouts.

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Also putting money into places for people to hoon in there cars legally would drop the amount of revenue brought in by them doing it illegally


How much do you reckon it costs to relay 30 or 40 metres of road that has been ripped to poo?  A few fines won't cover it!

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your right a few fines will not cover it, thats why they hand out so many.

But when they put back on 20% of the earning they take from the roadways back into the road system its not really an issue.

its a case of not wanting to lose a potential income.

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You're right Waxhead.  They really want us to keep driving like d'heads so they can make a bit more money out of us.  They really want us to speed and especially run red lights without a seat belt on whilst on the phone, they really like us doing that!


They like us to burn things too.  They must 'cause the fines are big for that.  Graffiti and selling drugs are another of their favorites.


It's all another tax and they sit around laughing at us and counting the money we give them.  But it after all it's the only volunatary tax we have.  From your bitterness, I'm guessing that you pay my share for me, so thank you.

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lol.  Stationary speed cameras (not the point to point ones) are the real revenue raisers, they don't slow anything down, bu then again, don't speed...

They do slow things down..... for only about 100 meters along where the loop sensors are placed on the road..then after that it's pedal to the metal!


Another great revenue raising thing is the fines for talking on a mobile..I've seen drivers so distracted chatting to their passenger, that they are driving 20 kays under the limit, while waving their arms about swerving all over the road...maybe we should build cars with a single seat and radio isolated like a Faraday cage...

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I dont think i mentioned running red lights etc i do believe your getting a bit carried away

actually i am 41 years old and normally have my baby in the car i am a very cautious driver, they are not getting rich of me


But I do rememeber a time when you would get pulled up and they would give you a fine for one thing now they will go over the car looking to make as much money as possible " in the interest of safety"

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Hmmm this is a touchy subject.

In my opinion they should not crush a car. Crushing say a $100,000- car is way too much over kill for say a 20 second indescretion. Burn outs / speeding to me not that big a deal in moderation.

But drink driving, driving with out a licence and and people who are repeat offenders say 5 times then yeah sure crush there cars. I have read people caught drink driving 5-10 times and still never go to jail. Same for killing a pedestrian even while drunk. Fines and good behaviour at worst. Then they want to crush a car for a far lessor offence of speeding in the middle of nowhere or doing a burn out. Come on let's get some consistency or reality here. Everyone one has sped at one time or another.

Drug dealers, bashing indians, maiming people and leaving them in a coma is less punishment. This sort of crime is rampant. No jail time a small fine and a bit of probation is a joke. Then someone speeds and we crush a 50-100K car as punishment.

Believe me it's to easy for cops to get you speeding than catch a drug dealer or basher. Too much paperwork getting them. So they just pick on the easy target because they really don't care about up holding the law on real crime. Just go for the soft target. Book them, take their licence, they might lose their job/mobility disrupting their entire lives. But hey knife someone, go to court get probation and a couple hundred dollars fine, go home, back to work. Nothing changes for them.

I say no crushing!

Sorry to get on my high horse but this high moral ground on "Hoon's" with no definition really P's me off.  >:(

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