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Setting Correct Float Level On 3 Screws Su Carbs For 1972 240Z


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Set it exactly like in Gav's 1st video from around the 26 minute mark. Set it with the lid upside down so the valve is closed by the weight of the float, don't use your fingers to push on the float to close the valve, you may push too hard causing the tab on the flaot to bend and get an incorrect reading. Grose jets are no different to needle valve as far as setting float height. Calipers are a bit fiddly to use, grab a 9/16" drill bit and use that, similar to the way the guy in the video uses block of the right thickness.

Edited by 1600dave
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It is taken with the valve closed by the weight of the float. You need the float to be in that position when the valve closes and shuts off fuel to the float chamber so that it keeps the level of fuel in the float chamber correct. 


To open another can of worms, to get it 100% perfect, you can ignore all that 9/16  float height setting stuff and set it by measuring the level of fuel in the jet, although I don't know what that setting is for 3 screw Hitachi SU's.  :-X

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Set it exactly like in Gav's 1st video from around the 26 minute mark.



It is taken with the valve closed by the weight of the float. You need the float to be in that position when the valve closes and shuts off fuel to the float chamber so that it keeps the level of fuel in the float chamber correct. 

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That's all you need to do, if you've set the float to correct height you're done. I can't vouch for specific settings for 3 screw carbs, never played with them.You did take the gasket off the float chamber lid to set float height ?


Connecting clear tube to drain plugs isn't required assuming setting float height is done correctly.

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2 Questions:


1. Does the float needs to be parallel to the float lid when measuring the .55 inch gap or can it be bent or incline downward?


2. Is the measurement taken from the base of the lid to the bottom of the float or from the edge or rim or the float?


I think you're over thinking it.

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1. Nope, doesn't have to be parallel. Measure to roughly the centre of the float / across centre of float chamber lid, ie try to "average" it.


2. Usually gasket surface of lid to bottom (well, top...) of float. I haven't seen a 3 screw float up close and personal to be 100% sure of shape, but that's how you do it on British SU's.


Really, you're talking a millimeter or two difference for the various methods of measuring you've suggested. Get it close enough and it will be fine, like the pic beow (ignore the fact that its a pommy carb, different float, different way to adjust float height and different sized rod used to set height).


Edited by 1600dave
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1. Nope, doesn't have to be parallel. Measure to roughly the centre of the float / across centre of float chamber lid, ie try to "average" it.


2. Usually gasket surface of lid to bottom (well, top...) of float. I haven't seen a 3 screw float up close and personal to be 100% sure of shape, but that's how you do it on British SU's.


Really, you're talking a millimeter or two difference for the various methods of measuring you've suggested. Get it close enough and it will be fine, like the pic beow (ignore the fact that its a pommy carb, different float, different way to adjust float height and different sized rod used to set height).

attachicon.gif float.JPG

Okay. So it doesnt matter if the gap is measured with the weight of the float closing the needle stem when the gap is .55 or 9/16 inch? Its really hard to accomplish this measurement blowing through the gas hole to keep the needle pin from depressing. I am using a wooden stick that measures .55 inches.

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